Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 2010 Generation Report

Online Time307 Hours, 12 Minutes, 33 Seconds
KWH Generated (Inverter) 233.652
KWH Generated (Meter) 235
Actual Usage 161
Goal for month 200
Generated over/under Usage 74
Amt over/under goal (Meter) 35
Yearly Generation thus far 3019
Yearly Usage thus far 1698
Yearly Generation over/under usage 1321
Yearly over/under goal (Inverter) 427.903
Yearly over/under goal (Meter) 435
Highest Daily Generation 13 KWH
Lowest Daily Generation 1 KWH
Weather Conditions
Sunny days 5
Mostly sunny days 14
Partly cloudy days 2
Mostly cloudy days 3
Cloudy days 7
Days with no precipitation 17
Days with drizzle 0
Days with Rain 13
Days with sleet 1
Days with Snow 0
Snow Total (inches) 0
Rain Total (inches) 4.71
Highest Temperature (F) 72.3
Lowest Temperature (F) 33.05
Average High Temperature (F)59.13
Average Low Temperature (F)43.02
October had good production and low usage so we are not complaining. Now, onto the low production months of November through February.

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2013 Generation verus Usage Graph

Year To Year Comparison Graphs